Hung Karla in the car

Hung Karla in the car.  On the way to dinner one night Karla started feeling a bit hot. She was wearing gym clothes and they were very tight on her body. Karla had not bothered to tuck her cock back and the cloth was caressing it as the car moved. So of course her huge cock started to get hard. Hence the Hung Karla in the car photo set. It just had to be captured on camera and shared with you, her fans.

Of course there is not hotness without some tits so she popped those big puppies out as well to complete the set. That took the set of Hung Karla in the car to a whole new level. First of off had she been caught she would have been arrested. As it was, several cars were pacing her and watching as best they could.  They could see her big tits but not her cock when that came out. Good her you but not for them as they were doing their best to see.

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Hung Karla in the car is a nice set to enjoy. All you have to do is click. They have to keep pace with the car and crane their necks to even see her tits. One guy almost crashed!

Author: admin

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